What I'm Most Thankful for This Year :: November 2015

What I'm Thankful for this Thanksgiving :: Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks. Read on to hear what five things I'm most thankful for in 2015

Two thousand fifteen was a funny year for me, mostly because I felt like a small child learning to walk. I like to joke that 2014 was the year I became an adult, with moments like graduating college and landing my first real job. Last year was the year I moved across the country, joined the workforce, and paid my rent with money I had earned, not scholarships, earned!

When I look back at what this year included, I realize that 2014 may have been the year I became an adult, but 2015 was the year I figured out what the hell I was doing. From leasing my first apartment without roommates and quitting my job in hopes of finding something better, the past eleven months have been nothing more than taking chances and hoping the outcome is positive.

Along the way I've had the support of my boyfriend to help keep me sane and friends to remind me that I've never been one to take the easy way. As I sat down to narrow down what five things I am most thankful for this year, I realized they were things that I either had all along or got a hold of thanks to the people I had beside me.

My cat, Max.

Listen, I get it's weird to be thankful to your cat but hear me out. All of my friends live three thousand miles away from me. Every single one of them. Since moving to Washington DC my cat has been the one stable thing I can rely on when roommates were too busy to comfort me and a boyfriend that sometimes was the reason I was upset in the first place. Animals have the most comforting presence, plus, how can you not feel instantly better when you look at his adorable sleeping face?

Related Post: Things My Cat Has No Respect For

Crappy old jobs and my amazing new one.

I'm a firm believer in the phrase, "do your time." Maybe that's not a thing people say but it's definitely a thing people should do. I worked a job that paid me minimum wage, only offered me part time hours and never once invited me to any company events. Oh yeah, all while living in the second most expensive city in America. I hated it, but I stuck around. Working there gave me the experience I needed to be where I am today; a shiny, well paying, friendly law firm that always invites me to work happy hours and pays me enough to be able to afford the next thing I'm thankful for this year...

My tiny studio apartment.

Living alone was the best decision I ever made. Never mind that 50% of my monthly income goes to rent, nothing beats coming home to a space that is all yours. The decor? Mine. What's on TV? My favorite show. Those dirty dishes? Mine too. Roommates are fun and all, but this past spring I realized I was ready to be on my own. Rent is incredibly expensive in the city though, which is why taking the chance of quitting my job in hopes of a better one was a major risk, one that thankfully worked out in my favor. I may only have 500 square feet, but they're all mine. Well, mine and the cat's.

Related Post: What It's Like to Rent Your First Apartment, as told by The Real Housewives

Friends who have remained close to me.

Over a year has passed since I last visited home, or anywhere near the West Coast. With switching jobs, new apartments and graduate school, keeping in touch has been difficult. Thankfully I've found which people in my life I can count on to call hysterically at 2am because I'm lonely and rethinking all my life choices. It's hard enough keeping in touch with college friends after graduation, but you cant imagine the work it takes when you move to the other side of the country. My friends may never know how much I appreciate them answering my random phone calls, but it's those quick conversations that help me get through my toughest days.

Related Post: 5 Simple Ways Distance Has Strengthened My Friendships

My mother.

This past April my mom and sister visited Washington DC for a full week, which meant I spent seven days walking around like a tourist and standing outside restrooms because my mom literally always has to pee. I was beyond excited to see some family though, especially since during that time I was beyond overwhelmed with not knowing where I was going to live next and whether I should quit my job or not. For the past five years I've slowly moved further and further away from home, currently as far as I can before I jump to a new continent. Through all my moves my mom has been nothing but supportive, which is more than I can say about my friends' family members who always insist they stay close to home. It sounds weird to say I'm thankful for a mom that doesn't want me around, but I am, because if I had the pressure to stay in California who knows where I'd be right now.

I'm linking up with Nina from Hugs and Lattes for her #ThankfulHeart linkup. To read more about what people are thankful for this year or just take a peak at her hilarious blog, click here.

What are you most thankful for this year? Let me know in the comments below and have a Happy Thanksgiving!

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  1. beautiful post! Cats are the best friends, they ignore you until they know you need comfort! While I have never truly lived alone I am so thankful not to have roommates!

    1. My cat thinks he's a dog, I swear he's the neediest little thing. And while I dont HATE roommates isn't is 10x nicer to come home to your own place??

  2. Ahh I so wish I could have a cat. How exciting your mom got to come visit this past summer! You are blessed with a lot of great opportunities - and hoorah for figuring things out because adulting is #hard

    1. Adopt one!!! Most shelters have cats as buy one get one free lol. And yes, 2015 was definitely the year of realizing being an adult can be 0% fun at times (especially Mondays)

  3. all awesome things to be thankful for!! happy thanksgiving :)

    1. I just had to go Google if they celebrate Thanksgiving in Canada to not look like an idiot but turns out they do, and turns out you were all the first! So have a great Thanksgiving too!!!

  4. I stand by the fact that it's not weird to be thankful for your cat! I wish my foster kitty were here with me right now. <3!

    Yay for family + friends too! :D

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Right??? My cat is basically a part of the family!! Have a great Thanksgiving holiday :)

  5. Love this list! & not at all weird to have your cat on this list! Pets are seriously the greatest. There are days where my dog is literally the only being I can stand haha. & your momma sounds like a great lady :)

    1. No lie, I have Friday nights when I leave work saying, "I just wanna watch tv with my cat, no I wont be going out." Unlike boyfriends, pets dont complain about whatever channel I choose :)

  6. What a great year for you. I am definitely thankful for my dogs - I'm never alone when they're here :)

    1. You're pugs are seriously adorable though! Plus theyre so tiny so I bet they dont hog 50% of the bed every night!
