Why I'll Always Love Halloween
30 October 2015
Beginning November 1st I start the process of mourning the passing of my favorite time of the year, consoling myself with the only thing I have, candy I bought at 70% off retail price. Halloween time has always been my favorite season, with the fun not being limited to one day in my life. As a young child I would start thinking about what I was going to dress up as and what neighborhoods I was going to trick or treat in. When I aged into my teenage years I spent even more time thinking about my costume and trying to figure out a way I could still trick or treat in my favorite neighborhoods without being judged.
Now 23, Halloween hasn't become about how sexy of a costume I can pull off or how many parties I can get invited to, it's much more about celebrating the season the way I used to when I was a child. With most people my age RSVP'ing to events and shopping for the most trendy costumes, I'm at home carving pumpkins with my boyfriend and visiting local haunted corn mazes.
Halloween now and forever will be not only my favorite holiday, but my favorite time of the year. With every month having a some sort of event, October really takes the crown for being fun for the whole family, or the single millions of us who just want an excuse to eat lots of candy and watch teenagers make bad decisions.
The chance to be someone else for a night...
or in my case, the entire day/weekend/week, depending how hard I begged my mom to "please let me put on my costume already!" For kids this means they can be a superhero for the evening or their favorite animal, as an adult we get to dress up as the characters we idolize. In my case I am dying to be Michonne from the Walking Dead, as soon as my boyfriend agrees to dress up as the governor with me.
Looking forward to be scared.
What is it about the calendar hitting October 1st that we are all so willing to pay money to have monsters jump out at us? Ask me on March 1st and I have no interest in watching an all day marathon of horror movies, but October 1st? I'll bring the popcorn. Fear is an interesting thing, we avoid it in our everyday life but when we control when it can happen, it's just to jump in our skin and for those few minutes/hours let others in costume remind us that we're alive.
Everyday life rules don't apply.
This mainly applies to celebrating Halloween as a child but how incredible was it to run from house to house and ask for candy from strangers?! As a pretty shy and cautious child, I had trouble saying hello to friends of my mom, but on Halloween I literally ran from door to door. To add to the fun, trick or treating had to happen once the sun went down, which meant I got to stay up past my 9 am bedtime. And the next morning? A pumpkin full of candy for breakfast! #childhoodvictories
Television the month of October is amazing.
Somewhere in my teenage years I realized that AMC plays horror/thriller movies nonstop the month of October. For a TV addict, Halloween loving, no plans on a Friday night kid like me, this was a gift from the TV gods! Just this past weekend I saw four movies in one day, four! Yes my dreams were a bit stressful that night but I'd do it all again tomorrow.
Halloween is a pressure free holiday.
This is probably one of the reasons why I will continue to love the day until I'm too old and tired to do much more than throw on some cat ears and toss chocolate bars at the neighborhood kids. Unlike Christmas which demands buying the perfect gift or Valentine's Day for which you need a date, Halloween asks for nothing more than you celebrating it in the way that makes you comfortable. Don't like costumes? That's cool, just wear all black. Hate scary movies? Just pass out candy to neighborhood kids. Don't like fun? Don't worry, Thanksgiving is almost here.
How do you celebrate Halloween each year? Has it changed over the years or are you still continuing traditions you started as a child? Also, if you're dressing up, I'd love to hear as what!

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halloween week scares the hell out of me because i KNOW there'll be scary trailers and movies playing all the live long day. no thank you! i'm such a wimp :(
ReplyDeleteI really do feel bad for people who get scared easily by trailers cause even with me loving them, I HATE falling asleep with the tv on and waking up in the middle of the night to some horror movie commerical
DeleteI just love any excuse to dress up in a costume!!
ReplyDeleteSame here! Only four people are dressed in my gigantic office though, why cant everyone get in the spirit?!
DeleteI love Halloween so much and I'm glad to see others do too! I definitely look forward to all the horror marathons, costumes, and carefree feel of the holiday :) Just rewatched the entire Scream trilogy which was AWESOME!
ReplyDeleteIf you need costume ideas or a guide to movies, I've got some ideas on my blog! ;-)
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Somehow Scream hasn't played once while I'm home, but I've watched too many of the Michael Meyers movies to count!
DeleteFun post, and I agree with so much of it. I'm not a huge scary movie person....until October 1st haha. This month always goes by too fast :-(. Happy Halloween!
ReplyDeleteI am sooooo sad October is over, there are already too many Christmas movies on TV! I'm gonna try to stretch my Halloween cheer at least till mid November!!